Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Winter Lawn Tips

As winter approaches, remember that St. Augustine lawns do not enter a deep dormancy during the winter months. Be aware of winter dry spells and water if the top 1/2" of soil is dry to the touch. This will prevent the plants from dying during the winter
If temperatures are expected to drop below 20 degrees, water the lawn. A wet soil will freeze and keep soil temperatures close to 32 degrees. A dry soil will drop to the 20 degrees and damage or kill the roots.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lawn Care Fort Worth

Welcome to the The Grass Guy.

At The Grass Guy we think lawn service should be simple. We offer quality lawn and landscape service in the Fort Worth area at an affordable price. Take a look at some of the benefits of being a customer:
  • Affordable Services
  • The Ability to Effectively Communicate Your Desires
  • Dependable Schedule. We're There When We Say We Will Be
  • Absolutely No Hassles!
  • Next Day Service Available

Get a FREE Mowing! Refer a friend, family, or neighbor and we'll mow your yard for FREE! Please give us a call at 817-881-8123 to schedule your lawn today.

Lawn Care Fort Worth
source: The Grass Guy

    Fort Worth Area Grass

    Very few turf-type grasses currently growing in America are native to our land. Buffalograss is probably the most common native turfgrass that has been adapted to be grown as a lawn and then only in special circumstances.
    Most turfgrasses were brought to this country and then adapted through selective breeding and cross-breeding to provide us with the grasses that we are most familiar with today.

    Common bermudagrass is drought resistant, grows on many soils, and makes a good turf if fertilized and mowed right. Common bermudagrass produces many unsightly seedheads, but in spite of this fault, it frequently is used on home lawns due to the ease and economy of establishment. Common bermuda may be planted from either seed or sprigs and with intensive management will provide a high quality turf. However, the newer hybrid bermudas are generally far superior.

    Bermuda grass is also a major turf species for sports fields, parks, golf courses, and general utility turfs. It is found in over 100 countries throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Common Bermudagrass, C. dactylon, naturalized throughout the warmer regions of the United States, was introduced into this country during the colonial period from Africa or India. The earliest introductions are not recorded, but Bermudagrass is listed as one of the principal grasses in the Southern States in Mease's Geological Account of the United States published in 1807.

    Bermuda grass prefers full sun, drought resistant, can withstand heavy traffic. Can easily be planted from grass seed (although it was once only grown from sod and the new seed varieties are not as fine bladed as the sodded varieties). One of the South's favorites grass types. Grows in tropical, subtropical and transition zone areas. Found extensively on lawns, golf courses, sporting fields and coast areas.

    Bermuda will turn brown with the first drop in temperature. There are more cold tolerant varieties available. In warmer tropical areas, Bermuda retains a beautiful green color year round. This is a very aggressive grass and flower beds or other areas will be quickly overrun if not kept in check. Once established it is very difficult to remove due to its extensive root system.

    St. Augustinegrass is often the most popular choice for lawns throughout southern United States. Especially in coastal regions where cold temperature extremes are moderated by oceanic climatic conditions. St. Augustinegrass is native to the Caribbean, Africa and Mediterranean regions, and best adapted to subtropical climates.

    Good for coastal regions, thrives in heat, does poorly in cool climates. Excellent to fair under drought conditions. Moderately good under heavy foot traffic. Somewhat shade tolerant. Can be used in moist, semi-fertile soils. At the moment, most common installation method is sodding or plugs; seeds are very difficult to obtain if not impossible.

    Compared to finer textured grasses like the bermudas, St. Augustine has large flat stems and broad coarse leaves. It has an attractive blue-green color and forms a deep, fairly dense turf. It spreads by long above-ground runners or stolons. While it is aggressive, it is easily controlled around borders. It produces only a few viable seeds and is therefore commonly planted by sod, sprigs, or plugs.

    St. Augustinegrass is a big thatch producer, more so than other types of grass. It also requires plenty of moisture and is best suited to humid regions. Has good shade tolerance.

    Fort Worth Area Grass

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Lawn Care Seasonal Tips

    It is now well into the growing season and most fertilizer programs have already started. Now is the time to start applying fertilizer to your lawn to get it looking lush and green. If you don't already have a fertilizer and weed control program, let us provide you with a free estimate.

    Hedging and Pruning
    Most of your hedges and and shrubs will need pruning soon. Please let us know if you would like your hedges and shrubs professionaly trimmed.

    The best time to water is in the early morning. This will allow more water penetration and less evaporation than watering in the heat of the day.

    1" per week of water is recommended for established lawns. One or two deep waterings is recommended to promote a healthy root system for your lawn.
    If you have a sprinkler system, it should be checked regularly to ensure proper coverage and amounts are being applied.

    Lawns that are stressed tend to have these signs: Wilting to color fade to yellow to off green and footprints in your lawn that are not quickly rebounding.
    Over time, and with heavy foot heavy traffic, the soil underneath lawns compacts and causes turf to deteriorate. One of the more beneficial cultural practices you can perform on a lawn is core aeration, and in most cases, aeration in conjunction with over-seeding.
    A healthy well-groomed yard increases a home's value by 15-20%, so as you look to renovate areas inside your house, consider the outside as well.

    Aeration is a mechanized process using specialized equipment to remove small cores of soil from the ground and then depositing them on top of the grass. The small 2"-3" deep holes enable air, nutrients and water to penetrate to the root system of the grass. Thus core aeration helps reduce your watering needs by allowing irrigation and/or natural rainfall to effectively reach the roots.

    In addition, as the removed cores of soil break down, they help increase microbial activity that aids in decomposition of thatch, and stimulates root activity.The best time to aerate most lawns is in late summer, or early fall depending on where you live. At this time of year, lawns are coming out of summer dormancy and beginning a period of vigorous growth. Competition from weeds is also minimal during this time.